Curriculum vitae:
Michael Schulze
Born in Trier in 1952
1970-75 Studied interior design at FHS Trier with Prof. H. Berger and Prof. C. Steinmann
1975 Studied fine arts and art education, HdK-Berlin (today UdK-Berlin)
1981 master student with Prof. Wolfgang Petrick
1985 First state examination, art education/secondary level II
1987-92 Artistic-scientific assistant, HdK-Berlin, Department of Architecture
1990/91 Working stay in Los Angeles, USA
1992/93 Working stay in St. Petersburg, Repin-Institut, Russland
1995-97 art teacher, Freie Kunstschule Nauen
1997-2017 university professor, chair of sculptural design, RWTH-Aachen, Faculty of Architecture
2009-12 Initiator for founding the "Society for Artistic Design Teaching in University Education e.V., "Vice President"
2015 Visiting Professor at Xijing University, Xi'an in China
2015 Concept developer for the art competition "Essen in Hessen" for all Hessian schools and students.
2018 Visiting Professor at the (GUtech) German University of Technology in Oman, Muscat.
Solo exhibitions:
1980 „Verfolgt von Max E. im Rollstuhl “, Galerie Kulmerstraße, Berlin
1982 "Tacho-Saurus", Gallery Kulmerstrasse, Berlin
1983 Droysen Gallery, Berlin
1984 "Allegory of Progress", TU Berlin
1986 Exterminator, gallery Pfeiffenberger, Berlin
1987 Villa Frank, "Works from 1977 -87", Ludwigsburg
1989 „Look out“, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
1990 "Excerpts", works from 1980-90, Cultural Office Wiesbaden
1992 „Look out“, Moody Gallery, Houston, USA
1992 "Look Out", Körnerpack Berlin
"Machinations", Gallery Zolla / Liebermann, Chicago, USA
1993 "Three open folders", Repin Institute, St.
Petersburg, Russland
1994 "Reliefs", Redmann Gallery, Berlin
2001 "Insinuations", Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aachen
- "Eifel stories animal stories", studio Schwerzfeldersraße Roetgen, Germany
Schwerzfelder Straße, Roetgen
2006 "2 places", gallery Einlich, studio
Schwerzfelderstrasse, Roetgen
2007 "Michael Schulze", gallery 23m², Aachen
- "Dedication Alsdorf", Kunstverein Alsdorf
2009 "Please comment", Gallery 45, Aachen
2013 "Pursued by Max E. in a wheelchair", gallery
Phoenix, Cologne wax factory
2018 "World Tree", Studio Schwerzfelder Straße, Roetgen
2022 „ZWISCHEN DEN ZEICHEN“, Kornspeicher, Groß-Behnitz/Nauen
Group exhibitions:
1978 Atelier Kulmerstraße, Gründungsmitglied
-Berlin Art Days, Gallery Kulmerstrasse
1979 Mannheim Cube, Mannheim
-Paula Modersohn Becker House, Bremen
1980 "4 master students", festival gallery Berlin
1981 "Borussia ahead, Prussia is not lost yet!", Installation of the Prussian machine in the Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
1982 "Mai Salon", house on Lützowplatz, Berlin
1983 "Engine Room", Gallery Kulmerstrasse, Berlin
1984/85 "Art and Technology 3", BMW Gallery, Munich and Berlin
1984 "Awakening", Bodo Niemann Gallery, Berlin
1985 "Ikarus", NGBK realism studio, Berlin
- "Mythos Berlin", concept exhibition, Berlin
1986 Gallery at Moritzplatz, Berlin
1986 Schinkestraße, Berlin
1988 „Material + Spirit”, Davis / Mc Clain Gallery, Houston, USA
-„Container“, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
1989 "Beyond Words: The Book as a Metaphor for Art", San Francisco Craft museum
-„Feather, Fur and Fin“, Laguna Gloria Art
Museum, Austin, USA
-“Veksolund”, Copenhagen, Denmark
-"Woodcuts, lithographs and etchings", Zolla / Liebermann, Chicago, USA
1990 College of Dupage, mit Chris Sassaer, Chicago, USA
-“Exterminator”, Etchings, Moody Gallery, Houston, USA
1991 "Robots 92", International Biennial in Nagoya, Japan
1992 "Kienholz and Friends", Redmann Gallery, Berlin
-"The Foreign - The Guest", Open Culture House Linz, Austria
1999 "Robert Schuman Art Prize", Städtisches Museum Trier (contribution withdrawn after three days)
2004 "Take off-1000 dreams of flying", Art Kite Museum, Detmold
2005 "Deep Action", master student of Wolfgang Petrick in the Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin
2010 „Update“, Verein Berliner Künstler, Berlin
2011 "Poor but sexy", Atelierhaus Aachen
-"The Library of Silence", Nadiart International,
Verviers, Belgium
2011 "Under Pressure", contemporary art prints, Association of Berlin Artists, Berlin
2011 „9.Festival de la Gravure“, Diekirch, Luxemburg
2012 "I see that differently - thanks to you", 68elf, Mediapark, Cologne
2015 "REVOLUTION", German and Chinese
Printmaking, German-Chinese cultural exchange and design association. DCKD, Dusseldorf
2022 „AUSNAHMEZEITEN“ ein Virus übernimmt den Alltag, Centre Charlemagne, Aachen
2013 Referent Akademische Bildung Mariposion®, Mariposa, Teneriffa
2014 "Art and Science, an Odd Pair?" RWTH-Aachen Science Night
2014 Kondiaf: "Money and Art"
2015 "Art and Science, a
unequal couple?" Kunst Club Berlin, association of Berlin artists
2015 "Concept and work": The sculptural design in architectural education. Academy of the German Werkbund, Gnadenthal
2015 Narrative Festival Aachen: "The Manifestation of the Material"
2018 „Imagination, die Fähigkeit geistiger Transformationen“. GUtech Muscat in OMAN
1979 "20 Experimental Films", Gallery Kulmerstrasse,
1979/80 "Cinema without box office", Arsenal 2, Berlin
1980 "Comics and Animated Films in Western Europe",
Gutenberg Museum, Mainz / Lucerne
-"Projections 2", SFB, 3rd TV program, editorial office
Jurgen Tom, 1981
-"27. West German Short Film Days”, Oberhausen
-"Osnabrück Experimental Film Workshop",
Children's cinema, warehouse
1982 "Ex-Peri and Nix-Peri", film festival, Bonn
- “Filmtage”, Atelier Kulmerstrasse, Berlin
1983 "Klick Kino Berlin", T: E: S: A: Film, program block 90 min.
-"Osnabrück Experimental Film Workshop", warehouse
1985 "Family picture", S8, 35 min., Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
1987 "Hokus Pokus", five animated films, each 2.5 minutes, SFB Berlin
- "Michael Schulze, art is transformation", a
TV film by Ingeborg Euler, ZDF 1987