At the same time, animation films were made in Super 8. In these films, I was able to bring things “to life” using the single-image technique. I wanted to include this experience with movement (time) in my objects. Based on a large articulated mannequin, prostheses and other mechanical parts that I pulled out of garbage containers, I built the first mechanical-figurative series of objects in 1979/80. During construction, a figure was created that was formally based on Max Ernst's "Capricorn" sculpture. The title of the entire object "Persecuted by Max Ernst in a wheelchair" is in a way the key to my view at the time of experiencing the big city and the deprivation of nature: Persecuted by Max Ernst in a wheelchair contains my own story, psychological moments and the obsession of the doing. The machine is like a self-portrait. The sympathy for Max Ernst's methods and approaches were eponymous, transferring the collage principle to 3-dimensional parts. Likewise the fun in literary-fabulous constellations. Prostheses serve as synonyms for mechanics and movement. The combination of organics and mechanics is a leitmotif. The center of this machine is the large "bed box" (my former children's bed). He is represented by the "pursued figure" in the moment of passing through. In this bed box, the electric motor and drive wheels are connected via V-belts and are associated with the figure in the “wheelchair”. The "veteran" is in turn connected to the "mother earth box" via a V-belt and is to be set in motion manually, like an organ grinder.



Installation in the Lindowerstrasse studio, Berlin
Set-up "PHOENIX GALLERY", Cologne, 2013

Setup in Rehberge Park, Berlin, for the film "Lokus Solus" based on Raymond Roussel.
"MOTHER EARTH BOX", manual-kinetic

Relief for "PERSUADED BY MAX E. IN A WHEELCHAIR", 1980, manual-kinetic, 160×60 cm

Process and drawings

  • "VETERAN", 1980, Bleistift, Gouache auf Papier, 120x60 cm
    „VETERAN“, 1980, PENCIL, GOUACHE ON PAPER, 120 X 60 cm
Installation in the Lindowerstrasse studio, Berlin