
Information about the concept "Ethno reliefs"

As an artist, I design a reflection contribution to the cultural communication and identification of society by taking over these findings, discoveries, impressions and observations of content from reality and reality, to transformative feed into the forms and contents of art and design.


Intercultural aesthetics in the global space.

For several years now, I have been researching a project that I call "ethno reliefs".

It is an artistic concept by reworking the aesthetics of the world cultures of mine and interpreted as reliefs and woodcuts.
In the expression of the different world cultures, an ancient focus of man is the behavior for reality and reality Reading: myth, triviality and signs. From this you can derive about the continents over three main systems with completely different forms of meaning agreement: art, science, triviality and religion.

Content triggers are phenomena of globalization: the tendencies of cultural overlaps and overlapping cultural interfaces, as well as dissolution phenomena of national cultural natural species and identification models through economic, technical and civilizational interests and expansions. The cultural values and shapes believed in the past as bindingly believed to dissolve or adapt to the new circumstances. It creates an intercultural aesthetics in the global room.
Employment with these cultural content could also be overwritten entitled "The Stranger". It is not about a purely scientific-cultural-historical analysis or consideration. Rather, in the process of design, I would like to look at and edit things with a quasi reasonless impetus. To illustrate this intention here an anecdote:

In the jungle of Brazil, an Indian tribe was discovered, which never came into contact with white before. They discovered in a hut wing-like wooden sculptures, carved from wooden trunks reminiscent of planes. It then soon turned out that a airline over the village daily daily and the natives, ignorance of these phenomena, the aircraft interpreted as sacred signs and with their remedies and celebrated.

This genuine and unused perceptual view of attention is impressed with me and is considered a leitmotif with the methods of my respondents, in dealing with the cultural appropriation.

The ethno reliefs also stood as an interpretation model for woodcuts available. There were 7 three to four-color prints in the "lost plates" technique, in a circulation height of 30 copies per motive, pressure drop size of approx. 90 x 45 cm each.